Safe Hockey - The National Framework For Protecting Children And Young People
Thu 04 Mar 2021 6:00PM — 7:00PM
Online - Zoom
Event information
This event has passed.
Presented by: Samantha Dellamarta - Dellamarta Consulting
Safe Hockey is a national frameworth that includes a suite of user friendly policies, procedures and guidelines and education tailored to the hockey community and applicable across all levels of Hockey in Australia
The Session will provide an overview of the Safe Hockey Framework and include an introduction to the Safe Hockey Community Implementation (2022-2023), highlighting the supports and resources being developed to assist clubs and associations. 2021 will focus on education and promotion of the plan as well as providing access to tools and resources in preparation for implementation ccommencing in 2022.
Education Week is a week dedicated to upskilling our grassroots volunteers on various topics related to hockey, which we hope will reduce the burden on our local community heros and create a more positive overall experience for our members across the State.
An email will be sent to all registered participants before the session with details and a link to access the Zoom.